Tuesday 13 September 2011

Research into Demographic target audiences and Survey monkey questionnaire:

Before being able to research and start making my Newspaper, I firstly need to know who my demographic target audience is. For this particular local newspaper, I have created a survey monkey questionnaire aimed entirely at 19-30 year olds. We felt as though this age group was suitable for a Local Newspaper where we agreed that this was the most common age group who read Local Newspapers most.

I have copied and pasted my url for the questionnaire below:


Above, I have a link sending you straight to my survey monkey questionnaire. 
It displays a list of questions that I hope will help me when it comes to creating drafts and final pieces of my work. I shall be using the results of these questions gathered from friends and family to help me make a successful end product.
I hope you enjoy it.
I will be posting my results after I have collected more data. 

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